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Minor/Major Research Projects in Sansthan Campus
The Rashtriya Sasnkrit Sansthan strives to promote teaching and research in emerging areas in Sanskrit Shastras, accordingly the campuses of Sansthan have been the centers of research in higher education in various disciplines. Hence Sansthan provide the support to its campuses/teachers for promoting research through projects. In this regard Sansthan will allot 1-2 major projects and 1-2 minor projects to each campus, annually.
MOOCs Project
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) constitute one of the most innovative moments with in open learning and distance education . Through the MOOC constantly evolving and create new learning opportunities in higher education. However there exist no consolidated approaches regarding the Sanskrit educational material development at the course implementation process Sansthan is doing the work accordingly.
Ministry has implemented the programme regarding promotion and propagation of Hindi Rajabhasha in all Central Govt. offices. Accordingly Sansthan also doing sufficient official work in Hindi as well as organizing different kinds of programme. Every year we send trisemister report of work done in Hindi to the Hon’ble Minister apart from other activities.
Deccan College Sanskrit Dictionary Project
"An Encyclopedia Dictionary of Sanskrit on Historical Principals" is being implemented by the Sansthan in department of Sanskrit and Lexicography, Deccan college, Pune with financial support from the Ministry of HRD through Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
The Prestigious dictionary project launched in the year 1948 and collection of reference material was completed in the year 1973. Nearly 1 crore and 10 lakhs reference cards containing one word in each card were completed upto 1973. There after the editorial work has started and till now 10 lakhs reference have been edited into 30 volumes and published 31st volume is ready for publication. Shastratha Training Programme.
A Shastratha Training Programme organized by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan was conducted from 02.03.2016 to 18.03.2016 at Eklavya Campus, Agartala, Tripura, NER. The aim of the training programme was to promote and popularise the Traditional Teaching system of Sanskrit Shashtras.
The training is focused on 6 various branches of Sanskrit i.e. Advaitavedanta, Vyakarana, Jyotisha, Mimansa, Nayaya and Sahitya, from each branch 10 students are selected by an all India Entrance test which is conducted on 10.02.2016 at various parts of India. In the Entrance Test near about 54 students work selected for Training and sixty well known Sanskrit Traditional Shastra Scholars came as trainors. It was very effective and creative programme which has given very good results in Sanskrit field and to the students for protecting Shastras by such kind of training.
Bharatavani Project.
Bharatavani is a project with an objective of delivering knowledge in and about all the languages in India using multimedia (i.e., text, audio, video, images) formats through a portal (website). This portal would be all inclusive, interactive, dynamic and moderated. The idea is to make India an Open Knowledge Society, in the era of Digital India. Accordingly Sansthan has successfully uploaded 40 e-books on Bharatavani Portal
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