Schemes for Sanskrit Promotion
Home » Central Schemes » Shastra Chudamani Scheme (Application Form)

Financial Assistance for Utilization of services of Eminent or/and Retired Sanskrit Scholars (Shastra Chudamani). [Application Form]

Step 1: Read the Guidelines Carefully / आवेदनपत्रस्य प्रपूरणात् प्राक् योजनानां दिशानिर्देशाः अवश्यं पठनीयाः

  1. The application format of all the schemes are acceptable through online mode only, submitted through any other mode shall not be considered. However, it is required to submit hard copy of publications/books/necessary documents alongwith hard copy of online filled application with the Signature and Seal of concerned Forwarding Authority, separately by Registered post to Central Sanskrit University, within the 15 days from the date of closing of online applications.
    योजनानां कृते आवेदनं केवलम् अन्तर्जालमाध्यमेनैव (Online mode only) स्वीक्रियते । अन्येन माध्यमेन प्राप्तानि आवेदनानि न स्वीक्रियन्ते । परन्तु अग्रेषण-प्राधिकारीद्वारा हस्ताक्षरितं मुद्रया प्रमाणितम् अन्तर्जाले प्रपूरितम् आवेदनपत्रं प्रकाशनसामग्रीभिः / पुस्तकैः / अनिवार्यपत्रैः सह पृथग्रूपेण पञ्जीकृतपत्राचारमाध्यमेन (Registered Post) पञ्जीकरणस्य अन्तिमतिथेः 15 दिनाभ्यन्तरे केन्द्रीयसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयं प्रति प्रेषणीयानि भवन्ति ।

  2. For more details regarding guidelines of each scheme, remuneration, required documents, how to apply in online and application forwarding process etc., please Click below –
    प्रत्येकं योजनायाः दिशानिर्देशाः, आवश्यकपत्राणि, मानदेयराशिः, अन्तर्जालमाध्यमेन आवेदनप्रक्रिया, आवेदनपत्रस्य अग्रेसरणप्रक्रिया इत्यादीनां विषये विस्तृतज्ञानार्थं अधः नुदतु -

Step 2: See the Model Application Format before the login / आवेदनपत्रस्य प्रपूरणात् प्राग् अनुप्रयोगप्रतिरूपं अवलोकयतु

See the Application Model through the following link for Collecting required documents and information before the login / आवेदनपत्रस्य प्रपूरणात् प्राग् संग्रहणीयायनाम् आवश्यकानां प्रपत्राणां विस्तृतज्ञानार्थम् अधोदत्तसंकेतमाध्यमेन अनुप्रयोगप्रतिरूपं अवलोकयतु –

Step 3: Registration / पंजीकरणम्

Make Registration through the following link / कृपया अधोदत्तसंकेतमाध्यमेन पंजीकरणम् करोतु –

Step 4: Login for filling the online application form and Submit / अन्तर्जालमाध्यमेन आवेदनपत्रं प्रपूरयितुं लागिन् करोतु तथा उपस्थापयतु ।

  1. After Registration, enter for login. Use the same email and password which entered at the time of Registration for login. Email and password both are the same for loging which entered at the time of Registration. /
    पंजाकरणस्य अनन्तरमेव लागिन् करणीयम्। पञ्जीकरणसमये यद् ईमेल तथा गुप्तसङ्केतं च लिखितं तदेव उपयुज्य लागिन् करणीयम् ।

  2. For login click the following link
    / लागिन् कर्तुं निम्नलिखितं सङ्केतं नुदतु –


Step 5: Submit the Hard copy of online application alongwith all annexure / अन्तर्जालमाध्यमेन प्रपूरितम् आवेदनपत्रम् अनुलग्नकैः सह प्रेषणीयम्

It is required to submit hard copy of publications/books/necessary documents alongwith hard copy of their online filled application duly certified, signed with seal by the concerned Forwarding Authority, separately by Registered post to "Director (Central Schemes), …(Scheme name)…, Central Sanskrit University, 56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110058, within 15 days from the closing date of online applications.
अग्रेषणाधिकारिद्वारा (Forwarding Authority) विधिवत् प्रमाणितं, हस्ताक्षरितं तथा मुद्रापितं च अन्तर्जाले प्रपूरिता आवेनपत्रप्रतिकृति (printout of online application) प्रकाशनसामग्रीभिः / पुस्तकैः / अनिवार्यपत्रैः सह पृथग्रूपेण पञ्जीकृतपत्राचारमाध्यमेन (Registered Post) पञ्जीकरणस्य अन्तिमतिथेः 15 दिनाभ्यन्तरे "निदेशकः (केन्द्रीययोजनाः), (.....योजनायाः नाम....), केन्द्रीयसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयः, 56-57, सांस्थानिकक्षेत्रम्, जनकपुरी, नवदेहली -110058" इति पत्रसङ्केतं प्रति प्रेषणीयानि भवन्ति ।

(Note : After certification, Signature and Seal by the Forwarding Authority the Hard Copy to be submitted to Central Sanskrit University, Delhi alongwith necessary documents. How ever, the same will also be uploaded in the link provided by the CSU through mail for avoiding the postal delay.
अग्रेषणाधिकरिणा आवेदनपत्रस्य प्रमाणीकरणानन्तरं, हस्ताक्षरितं मुद्रापितं च आवेदनम् अत्यावश्यकप्रपत्रैः सह केन्द्रीयसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयः, दिल्लीं प्रति प्रेषणीयं भवति । तथापि डाकविलम्बं परिहर्तुं CSU द्वारा ई-मेलमाध्यमेन प्रदीयमाने लिङ्कमध्ये अपि PDF अपलोड् करणीयं भवति।)

Step 6: Submit the Hard copy of online application alongwith all annexure / अन्तर्जालमाध्यमेन प्रपूरितम् आवेदनपत्रम् अनुलग्नकैः सह प्रेषणीयम्

The CSU will scrutiny the each application submitted through online. If any information or documents are required, the CSU will send the link to your email for providing information or documents. No other communication will be made. Hence, necessarily watch the concerned email for any updates. Apart from the above, please visit the website of Central Sanskrit University under Schemes tab for any updates, latest information, requirements and list of approved financial Assistance etc. from time to time.
ऑनलाइन माध्यमेन प्राप्तस्य प्रत्येकम् आवेदनस्य परीक्षणं करिष्यति । परीक्षणे यदि किमपि प्रपत्रमपेक्षितम् अथवा सूचना अपेक्षिताः तर्हि ई-मेल माध्यमेन लिंक प्रदाय आवश्यकं प्रपत्रं योजयितुं सूचयति । अन्यन केनापि माध्यमेन एषा सूचना नैव दीयते । अतः यथासमयं परिष्कृतसूचनाः निमित्तं कृपाया भवद्भिः प्रदत्तं ईमेल सर्वदा अवलोक्यताम्। तथैव समये समये परिष्कृतां सूचनां, आवश्यकविवरणम्, अनुमतिः, वित्तीयसहायतायाः स्वीकृतिः इत्यादीनां विवरणं ज्ञातु केन्द्रीयसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयस्य जालपुटे योजनाविभगम् अवलोकयन्तु ।

How to access draft/submitted application form for signing and final submission:
  1. Login to your account through below link using same Email ID and password: -
  2. Draft Application: -
    Click on View Status of Application > View Incomplete Application > Click on Edit button in Action Tab
  3. Submitted application: -
    Once your online application has been submitted to Central Sanskrit University, Delhi then please follow the steps mentioned below for successful submission:
    STEP 1 Open the copy of your application form attached in the email received on registered email ID.
    STEP 2 Check all details carefully and take print out of your application form.
    STEP 3 Submit application form through proper channel along with all required/relevant documents duly certified by forwarding authority with signature and stamp to “Central Sanskrit University, Delhi” by Registered Post within prescribed time frame.
    STEP 4 Keep a copy of the signed document for your reference and make sure to send the original signed copy only.
    STEP 5 The Concerned team from CSU, Delhi will contact you for any further information or any other requirement.

Important Information / मुख्यसूचनाः

  1. Kindly, don’t open the online application form in multiple tabs at the time of filling the application for avoiding technical errors.
  2. Not receiving any messages for OTP or from CSU or no registration details available in mail then verify that –
    • The e-mail that you have entered on login portal is correct.
    • The e-mail that you have entered on Registration and Login portal is same.
    • Check your spam/junk folder for OTP or any Message.
  3. In case of any assistance please contact through –
    • E-mail – help[dot]schemes[at]csu[dot]co[dot]in
    • Ph. No. : 011-28524993, 28524995, 28520979, 28520966
    • Director (Central Schemes),
      …(Scheme name)…,
      Central Sanskrit University,
      56-57, Institutional Area,
      Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110058
  4. Visit website for updates –
    • website -
    • website -