Vedānta, Influence of, on Sanskrit Poetics. * Treesa, K.I. *** Calicut, (In progress).
Vedānta, Influence of Sāṅkhya and, on Kālidāsa with special reference to Seśvara-Sāṅkhya. *De *** Patna, 1982, Ph.D.
Vedānta in Mahābhārata. (H). * Singh, Ram *** Kanpur, 1980, Ph.D.
Vedāntakalpalatikā, A critical study of, of MadhusŪdana Sarasvatī. * Sharma, Priti *** Udaipur, (In progress).
Vedāntakaumudī : A study. (H). *Chaturvedi, Radhey Shyam *** Banaras, 1972, Ph.D.
Vedāntakaumudī of Rāmadevārya, Study of, * Banerjee, Manashi *** Burdwan, 1975, Ph.D.
VedāntanayabhŪṣaṇasya, Śrī-Svayamprakāśānandasvāmi-kṛtasya, sampādanam.(S). * Prapannacharya, Swami Ramakrishna *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1980, V. Vāridhi.
Vedāntaparibhāṣā kā ālocanātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Vishvakarma, Mujulesh *** Allahabad, (In progress).
Vedāntaprabodha, Svāmī Satyabodhāśrayapraṇīta, kā samīkṣātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Upreti, Mridula *** Kumaun, (In progress).
Vedāntaratnakośa of Nṛsimhāśrama : A critical Edition and Study. * Srinivasan, K. *** Madras, 1988, Ph.D.
Vedāntasāra, Study of, of Sadānanda. (Ben.). * Halder, Sachdev *** Rabindra Bharati,1982, Ph.D.
Vedāntasiddhāntamuktāvalī : An analytical study. (H). * Jha, Laxmiswar *** Delhi, 1985, Ph.D.
Vedāntasiddhāntamuktāvalī : A study. (H). * Varma, Sai *** Allahabad, 1981, Ph.D.
Vedāntasiddhāntamuktāvalī, Critical study of the, of Prakāśānanda. * Laddha, Varani *** Banaras, 1979, Ph.D.
Vedāntatattvaviveka : See also under Nṛsimhāśramasarasvatī
Vedāntatattvaviveka of Nṛsiṁhāśrama : A study. (H). * Chanchal *** Delhi, 1984, Ph.D.
Vedāntic concept, A critical study of the, ultimate Reality with special reference to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. * Barua, Girish Ch. *** Gauhati, 1986, Ph.D.
Vedāntic, The later, Upaniṣads : A critical study. * Joshi, Ritanban, Satyendraprasad *** Gujarat, (In progress).
Vedaparamparāyāṛ Bhāratīya kramikavikāsaṛ. (S). * Sharma, Vasudeva *** Delhi (V), 1990, V. Vāridhi.
Vedapāṭhaśālānām, Dakṣiṇabhārate vidyamānānām, samagra- sarvekṣaṇam mŪlyāṅkanātmakam ca adhyayanam. (S). * Sharma, Mata Prasad *** Tirupati (R.S.V.), 2001, V. Vāridhi.
Vedārthadīpikā, Translation and study of Sarvānukramaṇī of Kātyāyana and, of Ṣaḍguruśiṣya. * Mishra, Vidyaprasad *** Gorakhpur, 1980, Ph.D.
Vedārthasaṅgrahasya samīkṣātmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Raghavacharya, T.V. *** Tirupati (R.S.V.), 1987, V. Vāridhi.
Veda-saṁhitāon tathā Mnusmṛti ke Rājadharmon kā tulanātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Arya, Rajwanti *** Haridwar, (In progress).
Vedas : See also Myths.
Vedas and Purāṇas, Bṛhaspati in the, * Bali, Saraswathi *** Delhi 1978, Ph.D.
Vedas and Purāṇas, Comparative study of the personality of Indra according to, (H). * Pandey, Sailesh *** Banaras, 1976, Ph.D.
Vedas and the Brāhmaṇas, Idea and practice of Sacrifice in the later, * Rane, Gopal Ram Rao *** Bombay, 1964, Ph.D.
Vedas, Aśvins in the, * Iyer, Krishnaswami (T.K. Iyer) *** Dibrugarh, 1970, Ph.D.
Vedas, Aurobindo’s vision of, * Choudhury, Anuradha *** Pondy, (In progress).
Vedas, Descriptive styles in the, (H). * Vedalankar, Ramnath *** Agra, 1966, Ph.D.
Vedas, Mānavatāvāda of the, (H). * Vedalankar, Dilip *** Haridwar, 1975, Ph.D.
Vedas, Method of interpretation of the, * Pushpavati *** Banaras, 1961, Ph.D.
Vedas, Pāṇini and the, * Laddu, S.D. *** Poona, 1967, Ph.D.
Vedas : Sāyaṇa’s methodology in interpreting the, * Datta, Indrani *** Jadavpur, (Calcutta), (In progress).
Vedas, Soma in the, (Ben.). * Mukhopadhyaya, Biswanath *** Burdwar, 1970, Ph.D.
Vedas, Soma–sŪktas in the, * Ram, Janaki Devi ***Gorakhpur, 1979, Ph.D.
Veda, Study of the Aśvins in the, * Biswas, Deepali *** Delhi, 1977, Ph.D.
Vedas, Study of female deities in the, * Pathria, Saroj *** Delhi, 1964, Ph.D.
Vedas, Study of Soma in the, Mahābhārata and Purāṇas. * Jain, Kusumlatha *** Delhi, 1973, Ph.D.
Vedasya vyāvahārikatvam. (S). * Jyosna *** Delhi (V), 1978, V. Vāridhi.
Vedas, Warfare in the, (H). * Jha, Devaki *** Jabalapur, 1969, Ph.D.
Veda, Women in the, (H). * Vilayat, Vidyavati *** Magadh, 1985, Ph.D.
Vedeṣu Marut : Ekam samālocanātmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Choudhari, Asharani *** Delhi(RSkS){Jaipur Campus}, 1999, V. Vāridhi.
Vedic : See also under the individual Vedas, pre- Vedic.
Vedic accents, Critical study of the, as explained in Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī. * Jha, Sukeshwar *** Bihar, 1971, Ph.D.
Vedic and Post–Vedic literature, Indra in the light of, (H). * Sharma, L.K. *** Raipur, 1973, Ph.D.
Vedic and Purāṇic literature, Critical and comparative study of the personality of Viṣṇu in, * Pradhan, Rajni *** Allahabad, 1981, Ph.D.
Vedic and Purāṇic literature, Gradual development of Viṣṇu in the, (H). * Vedpal *** Meerut, 1983, Ph.D.
Vedic and Purāṇic literature, Śiva cult in the, * Abrod, Sukrita *** Delhi, 1963, Ph.D.
Vedic and Purāṇic thoughts, Sāṅkhya elements in the, * Chattopadhyaya, Pratima *** Calcutta, 1982, Ph.D.
Vedic and Sanskrit literature, Critical study of the vicissitudes in the mythological life of Indra in, * Saksena, Manju *** Allahabad, 1969, Ph.D.
Vedic Ardhamāgadhī, A comparative study of, and full term. * Nee, Om Myurg *** Pune, (In progress).
Vedic chandasām shaunik Kātyāyana-sŪtrayoṛ tulanātmakam anuśīlanam. (S). * Sharma, Ram Muni *** Avadh, 1999, Ph.D.
Vedic compounds, A concordance of, interpreted by the Veda, * Pandit, M.D. *** Poona, (In progress).
Vedic concept of the field and the divine fructification. * Dange, Sadashiv Ambadas *** Nagpur, 1970, D.Litt.
Vedic concepts of Manas and Puruṣārthas, * Warnekar, Madhukar Bhaskar *** Nagpur, 1972, Ph.D.
Vedic deities, Study of, in Vedic and Epic literature. * Vidyadhar *** Punjab, 1979, Ph.D.
Vedic deities, Study of Purāṇic legends concerning, * Singh, Yudhvir *** Punjab, 1979, Ph.D.
Vedic deities, Treatment of, in the Mahābhārata. * Anand Bala *** Punjab, 1983, Ph.D.
Vedic deities, Treatment of, in the Nirukta of Yāska. * Sharma, Radhe Shyam *** Punjab, 1982, Ph.D.
Vedic devatās, with special reference to Maharṣi Dayānanda’s commentary on Yajurveda. * Sud, Vasundhara *** Punjab, 1986, Ph.D.
Vedic elements in the purāṇic mantras and rituals. * Mahulikar, G.P. *** Bombay, 1992, Ph.D.
Vedic, Epic and Purāṇic literature, Concept of Sarasvatī in, * Airi, Raghunath *** Kurukshetra, 1970, Ph.D.
Vedic etymology : See also Yāska.
Vedic Gods, Origin and gradual development of the circle of, (H). * Tripathi, Gaya Charan *** Agra, 1967, Ph.D.
Vedic grammar of Pāṇini. (H). * Sahay, Manorama *** Patna, 1981, Ph.D.
Vedic Khila hymns : A study. * Pandey, Om Prakash *** Lucknow, 1973, Ph.D.
Vedic legends : See also Legends.
Vedic legends, Development of some important, and ideas. * Bhattacharya, Dipak *** Viswa Bharati, 1977, Ph.D.
Vedic literature : See also under Agni, Rudra and other deities.
Vedic literature, Aborigines in ancient Indian literature with special reference to, and great Epics. * Ram Nivas *** Kurukshetra, 1977, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Aditi in, * Ghay, Madhu Bala *** Punjab, 1981, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, A study of animals and birds in,.* Devee, Sabita *** Gauhati, (In progress).
Vedic literature, A study of the numeral Eka, in the, *Bhoi, Harekrishna *** Poona, (In progress).
Vedic literature, Asuras in, * Suraj Bhan *** Punjab, 1982, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Concept of Devas in the, * Nabar, Dhundiraj Sivram *** Bombay, 1968, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Concept of Vāk in, * Deshmukh, P.G. *** Poona, 1978, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Concept of Yajña in, * Langayan, Rambhagath*** Kurukshetra, 1983, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Influence of, on Classical Sanskrit literature. * Rastogi, Sunita Rani *** Lucknow, 1976, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Jyotiṣa in the, (H). * Jha, Lallan *** Darbhanga (K.S.) 1986, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Legend of Yayāti in Vedic and Post, (H). * Sharma, Girish Chandra *** Aligarh, 1978, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Miraculous and mysterious in the, * Parab, Bhiwaji Arjun *** Bombay, 1952, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Mythological conception of Āpaṛ (Water) in the, * Sharma, Bellikoth Ramachandra *** Bombay, 1948, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Omen in, (H). * Sharma, Krishna Lal *** Agra, 1964, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Philosophical elements in the, with special reference to pre-Upaniṣadic literature. * Anjani, Prabhu, D. *** Bombay, (In progress).
Vedic literature, Pitṛ worship in the, * Dave, Padmanabh Tapishankar *** Bombay, 1959, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Place of Jyotiṣa in, * Upadhyaya, Raj Mohan *** Banaras, 1966, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Prajāpati in, * Deo, Munishwar *** Punjab, 1978, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Scientific truth in the, (H). * Gupta, Mridula *** Rajasthan, 1976, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Solar myths and symbols from the, * Potnis, P.S. *** Bombay, 1973, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Study of Ayurvedic terminology in the, (H). * Singh, Sastri, Aanbir *** Agra, 1964, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Study of the contribution of Śaunaka to the, * Tulsiram, A. *** Punjab, 1971, Ph.D.
Vedic literature, Study of the diseases relating to the mind in the,* Mishra, Lalita Prasad *** Banaras, 1986, Ph.D.
Vedic material in the Purāṇas, Critical study of the, (H). * Bhattacharya, Ram Shankar *** Agra, 1962, Ph.D.
Vedic materials in the principal Sanskrit mahākāvyas. * Behra, Trilocana *** Kurukshetra, (In progress).
Vedic metres, Study of, (H). * Winge, Shalini *** Banaras, 1973, Ph.D.
Vedic mythology, Minor divinities in, and ritual. * Joshi, J.R. *** Poona, 1971, Ph.D.
Vedic period, Gradual development of prose in Sanskrit in, (Ben). * Chatterjee, Indira *** Burdwan, 1971, Ph.D.
Vedic periods, Dialectical differences in Pre-Vedic and, * Shewalkar, Khanderao Trimbakrao *** Marathwada, 1969, Ph.D.
Vedic Phonetics. (H). * Pandey, Vidyalankar *** Banaras, 1977, Ph.D.
Vedic prakriyā, Critical study of the, of Sidhāntakaumudī. (H). * Singh, Iswar *** Kurukshetra, 1983, Ph.D.
Vedic prakriyā, Critical study of the Pāṇinian, (S). * Pandey, Kunj Bihari *** Banaras (K.V.), 1980, Ph.D.
Vedic prosody, Critical study of the, (based on the books of Vedic prosody), (H). * Ringe, Karle Shalini *** Banaras, 1972, Ph.D.
Vedic Prosody, Growth and evolution of, * Murti, Sadasiva, R. ***Andhra, 1987, Ph.D.
Vedic prosody : Its nature, origin and development. * Murthy, Sadashiva Rani *** Andhra, 1986, Ph.D.
Vedic-Purāṇic sources and Burmese myths and rituals. * Newaj, Ram, *** Bombay, (In progress).
Vedic quest in the mysteries of Vāk. * Singh, Fateh *** Banaras, 1944, Ph.D.
Vedic, Refixation of the, and Epic dates. * Patil, Meena *** Kolhapur, (In progress).
Vedic religion and philosophy as reflected in the Guru-Bāṇī. * Singh, Gurmeet ***Punjab, 1988, Ph.D.
Vedic ritual traditions, Gifts and offerings in the, * Manohar, Amita, R. *** Bombay, (In progress).
Vedic sacrifice, Reflections of, in ancient India as seen from Sanskrit texts. * Moreshwar Pethe, Madhavi *** Mumbai, (In progress).
Vedic sacrifices, Soma in, * Patil, Gajanan Moreswar *** Bombay, 1952, Ph.D.
Vedic Śākhās, Study of, * Rai, Ganga Sagar *** Banaras, 1962, Ph.D.
Vedic Saṁhitāpāṭha and Padapāṭha, Analyical study of the, * (H). * Som Dev ***Rajasthan, 1987, Ph.D.
Vedic Saṁhitās, Study of Conduct in, (H). * Pratibha Rani *** Delhi, 1986, Ph.D.
Vedic sandhis, Critical study of, (H). * Yadav, Shivashankar *** Banaras, 1976, Ph.D.
Vedic Sanskrit, Semantics of words denoting four-footed (domestic) animals in, * Gandhe, Vasudha Sudhakar *** Poona, 1980, Ph.D.
Vedic society, Study of the, and conduct. (H). * Misra, Bidheswar *** Darbhanga (K.S.), 1982, D.Litt.
Vedic theories of Creation. * Das, Sadananda *** Poona, (In progress).
Vedic traditions, Present Bengali Society: Its belief in, (Ben). * Chakraborthi, Sovarani *** Ravindra Bharati, 1975, Ph.D.
Vedic verbal roots, A study on, * Nanda, Subodh Kumar *** Santiniketan, (In progress).
Vedic verbs, A comparative study of Indian and Western approach to, * Nanda, Subodh Kumar *** Viswa Bharati, (In progress).
Vedon men pratibimbita samāja kā svarŪpa. (H). * Singh, Isha Narayana *** Allahabad, (In progress).
VemabhŪpālacaritam of Vāmanabhaṭabāṇa, A critical study on, (S). * Sankarayya, P. *** Tirupati (R.S.V), 1992, V. Vāridhi.
Veṅkāmātya Pradhāna, A critical study of the dramatic works of, * Bhavani, M.S. *** Bangalore, 1995, Ph.D.
Veṅkaṭācārya, Bukkapaṭaṇam, viracitasya Alaṅkārakaustubhasya navīnam saṁskaraṇam. (S). * Haimavathisa, Kondaru *** Tirupati (R.S.V.), 1985, V. Vāridhi.
Veṅkaṭadāsa-viracitasya GajasŪtrārthavicārasya pāṭhasamīkṣātmakam sampādanam adhyayanam ca. (S). * Dash, Kailas Chandra *** Tirupati, (R.S.V), 2004, V. Vāridhi.
Veṅkaṭādhvari-kṛta-Lakṣmīsahasram : Eka samīkṣātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Mathur, Renuka *** Lucknow, 1992, Ph.D.
Veṅkaṭādhvarin, Study of Lakṣmīsahasra-stotra of, * Prajapati, M.L. *** Gujarat, 1976, Ph.D.
Veṅkaṭādhvarin, Study of the works of, * Swaminathacharyulu*** Osmania, 1984, Ph.D.
Veṅkaṭādhvarin, Vaiṣṇava poet, and his Viśvaguṇādarśa-campŪ. (H). * Verma, Sushama *** Lucknow, 1970, Ph.D.
Veṅkaṭādhvarin’s ViśvaguṇādarśacampŪ : A critical study. * Vedia, Dasharthial Gowri Shankar *** Baroda, 1973, Ph.D.
Veṅkaṭādribudha :See under Tarkabhāṣāprakāśa.
Veṅkaṭaśāstriṇā, ŚrīvarakŪr-, kṛtasya Yudhiṣṭhirāśvamedha-campŪ-prabandhasya samīkṣātmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Jagan Mohan *** Tirupati (R.S.V), 1998, V. Vāridhi.
Veṅkaṭeśastotra-, Śrī, sāhityānuśīlanam, saṁskṛta sāhitye, (S). * Sharma, Vibhishana, A.V.S.S. *** Tirupati (R.S.V), 2002, V. Vāridhi.
Veṇīdatta-kṛta Alaṅkāramañjarī-Rasakaustubhayoṛ samīkṣātmakam adhyayanam.(S). * Sharma,Dinesh Kumar *** Delhi (V), 1990, V. Vāridhi.
Veṇīdatta’s Sārakaustubha, Critical study of, (H). * Jha, Vinodananad *** Darbhanga (K.S.). 1984, Ph.D.
Veṇīsaṁhāra : A critical study. (H). * Jain, Shanti *** Magadh, 1969, Ph.D.
Veṇīsaṁhāra : A critical study. (H). * Mishra, Thakken *** Agra, 1968, Ph.D.
Veṇīsaṁhāra, Comparative study of the dramas of Bhāsa based on the Mahābhārata and, of Bhaṭanārāyaṇa, from the angle of skills of dramatics. (H). * Deep, Shikha *** Meerut, 1986, Ph.D.
Veṇīsaṁhāra, Critical study of, in the light of DaśarŪpaka. (H). * Agarwal, Shail *** Banaras, 1987, Ph.D.
Veṇīsaṁhāram: A study. (H). * Faijunnesha Begum *** Burdwan, 1987, Ph.D.
Verbal cognition, Śrīharṣa’s critique of the conception of, * Jha, Navikant *** Bihar, 1964, Ph.D.
Verbal testimony, Critical analysis of, as a means of cognition. * Mukherji, Arati *** Ravindra Bharati, 1985, Ph.D.
Verbal testimony Critique of the, in Nyāya philosophy. (S). * Singh, Badri Nath *** Varanasi, 1969, D.Litt.
Vibhaktīnām tadarthānām ca samīkṣātmakam adhyayanam (Prādiśo vibhaktim vihāya). (S). * Yamuna, K *** Delhi(RSkS){Guruvayoor Campus}, 2000, V. Vāridhi.
Vibhaktyartha-vimarśa. (H). * Mishra, Usha *** Agra, 1978, Ph.D.
Vidagdhamādhava, Critical study of Lalitamādhava and, of RŪpagosvāmī. * Srivastava, Geetha *** Banaras, 1980, Ph.D.
Vidagdhamādhavam, Śrī RŪpagosvāmī–kṛta, : Eka adhyayna. (H). * Sharma, Narendra *** Kurukshetra, 1991, Ph.D.
Vidanubāṇa-kāvyas, Humour in Sanskrit literature with special reference to, * Shivaraju, C. *** Bangalore, 1998, Ph.D.
Vidarbha : See also under Buddhism.
Vidarbha region, Contribution of, to Sanskrit literature, 1600 – 1976 (Mar). * Agray, Prabhakar Prahlad *** Nagpur, 1982, Ph.D.
Viddhasālabhañjikā, Critical edition of, of Rājaśekhara with the unpublished commentary of Vāsudeva with an elaborate Introduction. * Joshi, Shambhu Datt *** Punjab, 1969, Ph.D.
Viddhasāla-bhañjikā-nāṭikā kā, KarpŪramañjarī ke viśeṣa pariprekṣya men, Ācārya Rājaśekhara-praṇīta, samīkṣātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Sharma, Suman *** Shimla, (In progress ).
Viddhasālabhañjikā of Rājaśekhara : A study. * Sarangi, Pratima *** Kurukshetra, 1992, Ph.D.
Vidhi-atirikta caturvidha-veda-vākyon kā Mīmāṁsā śāstra sammata svarŪpa nirŪpaṇa. (H). * Mishra, Gayatri *** Allahabad, 1991, Ph.D.
Vidhiviveka, Maṇḍanamiśra’s, : A critical study. (H). * Deo, Ram Chandra *** Banaras, 1977, Ph.D.
Vidhyarthavāda, Examination of, (S). * Bhattacharya, Rabindranath *** Calcutta, 1978, Ph.D.
Vidhyādhara Śāstrī, Śrī, : Life and works. (H). * Saraswat, Paramanand *** Rajasthan, 1978, Ph.D.
Vidhyādhara’s Śataka, Saṁskṛta Śatakas and, (H). * Malaviya, Ashalatha *** Saugar, 1985, Ph.D.
Vidhyārthinām, Grāmīṇānām nāgarīyānām ca Kiśorāvasthāyāḥ Vyāvasāyika rucīnām tatkārakāṇām ca buddhi-labdhe sandarbe samālocanātmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Vyas, Saroja *** Delhi (V), 2001, V. Vāridhi.
Vidiśā, Political and cultural history of Eastern Malwa, with special reference to, (H). * Dube, Jagannath *** Vikram, 1974, Ph.D.