Oath and ordeals in Dharmaśāstras. * Pendse, Sudhakar Narahari *** Baroda, 1975, Ph.D.
Occultism, Studies in some aspects of, in Atharvaveda. * Chakrabarthi, Debika *** Calcutta, 1975, Ph.D.
Odissi dance in Abinaya-Candrikā, * Maya, S. *** Utkal, 1994, Ph.D.
Omen in the epics. * Sanghi, Snehalata *** Delhi, 1976, Ph.D.
Omen in Vedic literature. (H). * Sharma, Krishna Lal *** Agra, 1964, Ph.D.
Omen, Scientific study of, (H). * Mishra, Brahmadev *** Darbhanga (K.S.), 1986, Ph.D.
Om, Exact meaning of the Al and, in Sanskrit language, Alm (Alit Tam Min) in the Koran and Elohim in the Hebrew Bible from the point of view of the various sciences in the Sanskrit language. * Vatkar, Ashok Nandeo *** Shivaji, 1982, Ph.D.
Oṁkāra in Hindu philosophy. * Viswanandam *** Andhra, 1997, Ph.D.
Onaxiomatics, Many-valued logic and meaning in Logical Positivism. * Vaidyanath, Shankara *** Bihar, 1963, Ph.D.
One-act plays, Critical study of, Bhāṇa, Prahasana, Vyāyoga, Vīthī. (H). * Tripathi, Prem Shankar *** Kanpur, 1979, Ph.D.
One-act plays in Sanskrit. (H). * Sharma, Virbala *** Vikram, 1967, Ph.D.
Originality and Imitation, Concept of, in Sanskrit poetics and poetry. * Rastogi, Umesh Prasad *** Lucknow, 1964, Ph.D.
Orissa, Contribution of, to Sanskrit lyrics. * Panda, Raghunath *** Utkal, 1993, Ph.D.
Orissa, Contribution of, to Sanskrit poetics. * Mishra, Prafulla Ku. *** Utkal, 1983, Ph.D.
Orissan authors to, contribution of, to Camp
Ū literature. * Nanda, Govinda, Ch. ***Utkal, 1997, Ph.D.
Orissa, The Śakti cult of, * Patil, Kamadev *** Utkal, 1992, Ph.D.
Pada : See also Śabda, Word.
Pada and Padārtha, Study of the relationship of, (S). * Chaturvedi, Jagadish *** Banaras, 1972, Ph.D.
Padamańjarī: See also Kāśikāvṛtti.
Padamańjarī, Comparative study of Nyāsa and, (S). * Shukla, Mahendra Kumar *** Varanasi (Samp), 1978, Ph.D.
Padamańjarī, Critical study of the comments of Nyāsa and, * Sharma, Ram Prakash *** Haridwar, 1981, Ph.D.
Padamańjarī, Haradatta’s : A critical study with special reference to, A commentary on the Kāśikā. * Khar, Wandikar *** Poona, 1973, Ph.D.
Padamańjarī, Study of, * Tripathi, Tirtha Raj *** Delhi, 1975. Ph.D.
Padapāṭha, Ṛgveda, Study of, * Rastogi, Motilal *** Lucknow, 1982, Ph.D.
Padārthadharmasaṅgraha of Praśasatapāda, : A critical study. (H). * Chatterjee, Ratna *** Darbhanga (K.S.), 1981, Ph.D.
Padārthamālāyāṛ vaijńānikam samīkṣātmakam ca sampādanam. (S). * Govindan, K.E. *** Tirupati (R.S.V), 1972, V. Vāridhi.
Padārthas in Vaiśeṣika philosophy. (H). * Kumar, Sashi Prabha*** Delhi, 1983, Ph.D.
Padārthatattvanirṇayasya sāmikṣikam adhyayanam sampādanam ca. (S). * Suddhanand *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1992, V. Vāridhi.
Ūpaṇa, Raghunātha Śiromaṇi-kṛta, : Eka adhyayana. (H). * Devi, Savitri *** Kurukshetra, 1994, Ph.D.
Padavākya-ratnākarayoḥ Vyutpattīvāda-, tulanātmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Satagopa Tatacharya, P.V. *** Tirupati (R.S.V.), 1995, V. Vāridhi.
Padma and Skanda purāṇas, The paurāṇik conception of Nāga : A study with special reference to, * Jani, Harshaben Manasukhlal. *** Gujarat, (In progress).
Padmacarita and Indian culture depicted in it. (H). * Ramesh Chander *** Vikram, 1972, Ph.D.
Padmacarita, Literary and cultural study of Raviṣena’s, (H). * Jain, Mahendrakumar *** Magadh, 1985, Ph.D.
Padmagupta : See under Navasāhasāṅkacarita.
Padmagupta Parimala, Critical study of Navasāhasāṅkacarita of, * Joshi, J.C. *** Saurashtra, 1977, Ph.D.
Padmagupta Parimala, Critical study of Navasāhasāṅkacarita – mahākāvya of. (H). * Sharma, Ram Bharosey *** Meerut, 1982, Ph.D.
Padmanārāyaṇa Tripāṭhi, Ācārya-, kā vyaktitva evam kṛtitva. (H). * Kumar, Kaushal *** Kumaun, (In progress).
Padma-purāṇa : A critical study. (H). * Tripathi, Hare Ram *** Banaras, 1977, Ph.D.
Padma-purāṇa, A critical study of the, * Chatterjee, Asoka *** Calcutta, 1962, D.Phil.
Padma-purāṇa, A literary study of, * Shukla, Nirmala *** Lucknow, 1961, Ph.D.
Padma-purāṇa (Padmacarita) : A cultural study of the, by Jainācārya Raviṣeṇa. * Sharma, Yog Raj *** Punjab (Hspr), 1994, Ph.D.
Padma-purāṇa, Critical study of the, * Tripathi, Ram Gopal *** Jabalpur, 1967, Ph.D.
Padma-purāṇa, Critical study of the Svarga-khaṇḍa of the, * Chatterjee, Ashok *** Burdwan, 1975, D.Litt.
Padma-purāṇa : Eka adhyayana. (H). * Punetha, Niraja *** Kumaun, (In progress).
Padma-purāṇa, Religion and philosophy of the, * Goel, Sarada *** Delhi, 1978, Ph.D.
Padmasaṁhitā, A study of Yogapāda of, in the light of Pātańjala-Yogadarśana. * Reddy, Nrasimha, D. ***Tirupati. (S.V.), 1988, Ph.D.
Padma Śāstrī, Mahākavi, : Life and works. * Lohani, Manju *** Kumaun, 1987, Ph.D.
Padmasundara, Critical study of Śrī Yadusundara-mahākāvya by, with edition of the same. * Rawal, D.P. *** Saurashtra, 1982, Ph.D.
Padmasundra S
Ūri, Śrī Pārśvanāthacarita mahākāvya of, * Munshi, Shema Ben *** Gujarat, 1977, Ph.D.
Padmasundara s
Ūri-viracitam Śrī Pārśvanāthacarita-mahākāvyam : A study. (H). * Chaudhari, Mansanghbhai Motibhai *** Gujarat (North), 1997, Ph.D.
Pādukāsahasra, The, of Śrī Vendāntadeśika : A study. * Satagopan, N.S. *** Madras, 1985, Ph.D.
Ūḍāmaṇi, Ācārya Buddhaghoṣa-praṇīta, kā sāṁskṛtika adhyayana. (H). * Sharma, Mahesh *** Raipur, 1992, Ph.D.
Ūḍāmaṇi, Critical study of, of Buddhaghoṣa. (H). * Ved, Gunmala *** Indore, 1976, Ph.D.
Padya-kāvya, Sanskṛit, Hāsya, men racita, kā m
Ūlyāṅkan, 1967 se ājtaka. (H),* Satyawan *** Punjab, (Hspr.), (In progress ).
Pāhuḍadohā-granthasya samālocanatmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Jain, Pavan *** Delhi (V), (In progress)
Painting, Technique of Indian (from the Śilpa texts ), * Bhattacharya, Ashoka Kumar *** Calcutta, 1972, Ph.D.
Paippalāda Saṁhitā : Eka anuśīlana. (H). * Kumar, Ashvini *** Shimla, (In progress).
Paitṛmedhaka, Śrauta and Pariśeṣa s
Ūtras of Bharadvāja : Critically edited and translated. * Kashikar, Chintamani Ganesh *** Poona, 1964, D.Litt.
Pakṣadharopādhyāya-praṇītasya Tattvanirṇayasya samīkṣātmakam adhyayanam sampādanam ca. (S). * Tripathi, Jayanarayan *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1983, V. Vāridhi.
Pālidāyavaṁśa : A critical study. * Shrivastav, Sunita *** Lucknow, 1990,. Ph.D.
Pāli literature, Karma theory in the, : A comparative study. (H). * Vaghnare, N.J. *** Jabalpur, 1983, Ph.D.
Pāli-mahānasā : Eka sāmskṛtika adhyayana. (H). * Shrīvastav, Nishi *** Lucknow, (In progress).
Ūtas, Nature of, according to ancient and modern theories : Comparative study. (H). * Sharma, Ved Prakash *** Rajasthan, 1973, Ph.D.
Pańcadaśī, Critical study of, with annotated Translation of important verses. * Gupta, Pushpa *** Kurukshetra, 1972, Ph.D.
Pańcadaśī, Study of, * Shakuntala *** Delhi, 1979, Ph.D.
Pańcadaśyāṛ samīkṣātmakam adhyayanam. (S). *Shyamala, T.K. *** Delhi(RSkS){Guruvayoor Campus}, 1990, V. Vāridhi.
Pańca-devatā-stotrāṇi, Saṁskṛta, (S). * Tripathi, Surendra Narayana *** Delhi, 1968, Ph.D.
Pańcakatana, Concept of, according to Theravāda, Mahāyāna and Nikāya branches of Buddhism. (S). * ? *** Varanasi (Samp), 1978, Ph.D.
Pańcakavi-kṛta-samskṛtakāvyeṣu Strīdharma. (S). * Lalitha, R. *** Tirupati (R.S.V), 1992, V. Vāridhi.
Ūtānām samīkṣaṇam. (S). * Satapathi, Savitri *** Delhi(RSkS){Puri Campus}, 1995, V. Vāridhi.
Pańcamahākāvyagalalli strī mattu prakṛti sambandha. (Kan.). * Meenakshi, S. *** Bangalore, (In progress ).
Pańca-mahākāvya kī s
Ūktiyon kā samīkṣātmaka anuśīlana. (H). * Jain, Shobha *** Indore, 2000, Ph.D.
Pańcamahākāvyas, A critical and comparative study of a few commentaries on the, * Pushpavalli, M.R. *** Mysore, 1989, Ph.D.
Pańca-mahākāvyas, Depiction of Nature in, : A comparative study. (Mar). * Bhaid, Shailaja Anant *** Nagpur, 1985, Ph.D.
Pańca-mahākāvyas, Description of seasons in the, (S). * Pathak, Lalji ***Varanasi (Samp), 1978, Ph.D.
Pańca-mahākāvyas, Political ideas in, * Mirasdar, Mangalal *** Poona, 1984, Ph.D.
Pańca-mahākāvyas, Treatment of Nature in, * Priya, Krishna *** Osmania, 1985, Ph.D.
Pańca-mahākāvyas, Utprekṣās in Sanskrit, (H). * Gupta, Meera *** Delhi, 1981, Ph.D.
Pańcamahākāvyeṣu strīpātracitraṇasya vivecanam. (S). * Durga, Vaishnavi, V. *** Tirupati (R.S.V), 1996, V. Vāridhi.
Pańcamatabhańjanasya, Śrītarkadeśika-viracitasya, pāṭha- samīkṣātmakam sampādanam. (S). * Sreenivasan, N.R. *** Tirupati (R.S.V.), 1983, V. Vāridhi.
Pańcanamaskāra-māhāmantra, A critical study of, * Jaladipan *** Madras, (In progress).
Pańcāṅganirmāṇasya prācīna-navīnavidhīnām tulanātmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Badola, Kailash Chandra *** Delhi (V), (In progress).
Pańcaparameṣṭi, The concept of, in Jaina philosophy. * Rana, Jagmohinder Singh *** Kurukshetra, 1992, Ph.D.
Pāńcarātra, A new critical edition of Viśvāmitra – Saṁhitā of, : A comparative study. * Undemane, Shankar *** Varanasi (Samp), 1978, Ph.D.
Pāńcarātra, Dīkṣā in, with reference to important texts. * Santa, Srinivasan *** Madras, 2000,
Pāńcarātra kā udbhava aur vikāsa. (H). * Chaturvedi, Chandra *** Jabalpur, for D.Litt, (In progress).
Pāńcarātrāntargatāyāṛ Prakāśa-saṁhitāyāṛ pāṭhsamīkṣātmakam sampādanam vedāntatattvānām adhyayanam ca. (S). * Udaya Kumar, N. *** Tirupati (R.S.V.), 2002, V. Vāridhi.
Pāńcarātra-Saṁhitā, : A study. * Apte, Prabhakar Pandurang *** Poona, 1965, Ph.D.
Pańcaśikha, Sāṅkhyācārya, aur unke siddhānta. (H). * Gopal, Ram *** Kurukshetra, (In progress).
Pańcastavī, Place of, in the stotra literature. (H). * Sharma, Giriraja Prasad *** Agra, 1982, Ph.D.
Pańcatantra, and Aesop’s fables, : A comparative study. (H). * Sharma, Rashim *** Agra, 1975, Ph.D.
Pańcatantra, Critical study of the, * Pandey, Ratna Das *** Calcutta, 1985, Ph.D.
Pańcatantra ke sandarbha men kāraka evam ākhyānavṛttiyon kā adhyayana. (H). * Chanderola, Vasudhara *** Kumaun, (In progress).
Pańcatantra, Philosophy of practical human life as depicted in the, * Banerjee, S.N. *** Kumaun, 1984, Ph.D.
Pańcatantra, Study of the principles of Āyurvedic medicine contained in the, (H). * Gupta, Chanchala *** Banaras, 1986, Ph.D.
Pańcatantra tathā Gulistāna kā tulanātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Gupata, Mithilesh *** Jaipur, (In progress).
Paṇḍvacaritākhyasya kāvyasya sampādanam. (S). * Radhe Shyam *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1982, V. Vāridhi.
Pāṇḍavacarita of Devaprabha S
Ūrin : A study. (H). * Dube, Madhuri *** Banaras, 1980, Ph.D.
Pāṇḍava-purāṇa, Mahābhārata in Jain literature with special reference to, (H). * Jain, Lalchand ***Vikram, 1985, Ph.D.
Pāṇḍavas, Itinerary of, during their exile and the religious geography connected with it. * Vegal, Vibha, G. *** Bombay, (In progress).
Pāṇḍavavaṁśa, Dakṣiṇa Kosala kā, tathā tātkālīna sāṁskṛtika itihāsa. (H). * Jha, Ashlesha *** Jabalpur, 1987, Ph.D.
Paṇḍitarāja, Contribution of, to Sanskrit poetics. * Sri Ramachandrudu *** Osmania, 1966, Ph.D.
Paṇḍitarāja, Contribution of, to Sanskrit poetics. * Tripathi, Kamalesh Datta *** Allahabad, 1966, Ph.D.
Paṇḍitarāja Jagannātha : See also Jagannātha.
Paṇḍitarāja, Jagannāha, Comparative study of the views of Mammaṭa, Viśvanātha and, on Poetics. (H). * Shukla, Umakant *** Meerut, 1983, Ph.D.
Paṇḍitarāja-Kāvyasaṅgrahasya sāhityikam pariśīlanam. (S). * Tiwari, Chandrasekhar *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1992, V. Vāridhi.
Paṇḍitarājopajńātānām siddhātānām alaṅkāraśāstrīyam vivecanam. (S). * Pandey, Kedar Nath***Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1998, V. Vāridhi.

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