Himācala kī, Saṁskṛta sāhitya ko, den. (H). * Sharma, Om prakash *** Shimla, 1993, Ph.D.
Himālayas and Ganges in Purāṇic literature. * Gwari, Premlal *** Punjab, 1985, Ph.D.
Himālayas as depicted in important Purāṇas and leading Sanskrit kāvyas. (H). * Dube, Savita *** Allahabad, 1979, Ph.D.
Himālayas, Depiction of, in Sanskrit literature. (H). * Kalouni, R.C. *** Kumaun, 1976, Ph.D.
Hīnayāna : See Yānabheda.
Hindu and J0ain temples, A historical survey of, of the Maurya period : A critical study of architectural form. * Parmar, Thomas, B. *** Gujarat, 1991, Ph.D.
Hindu deities, Iconography of minor, in Northern India. * Sanghmitra, Sangh *** Lucknow, 1990, Ph.D.
Hinduism and Christianity in Manipur : A compartive study of Vaiṣṇavism and Baptist sects. * Yaruingam, A.S. *** Delhi (J.N.U.), (In progress).
Hiraṇyakeśī (Satyāṣāḍha) ŚrautasŪtra, Critical study of the Cāturmāsya sacrifices with special reference to the, * Bhide, V.V. *** Poona, 1969, Ph.D.
Hīrasaubhāgyam, of Devavimalagaṇi, Critical study of, (H). * Kamal *** Kanpur, 1973, Ph.D.
Historical dramas, : Development of Sanskrit, 1st century to 15th century. (H). * Srivastava, Gayatri *** Saugar, 1980, Ph.D.
Historical dramas in Sanskrit. (H). * Sharma, Shyam Lal ***Rajasthan, 1968, Ph.D.
Historical dramas in Sanskrit, Critical study of, composed by the Paṇḍits of Bengal in the 19th and 20th centuries. * Rai, Biswapathi *** Calcutta, 1973, Ph.D.
Historical dramas in Sanskrit, Critical study of the representatives, * Pandey, Ramanand *** Jabalpur, 1973, Ph.D.
Historical kāvyas in Sanskrit, Study of Vikramāṅkadevacarita in the context of, (H). * Dvivedi, Prahlad *** Varanasi (K.V.), 1982, Ph.D.
Historical mahākāvyas in Sanskrit: 11th to 15th century A.D. * Prabha, Chandra *** Delhi, Ph.D.
Historical mahākāvyas in Sanskrit: 16th to 18th century A.D. * Sen, Kamalesh *** Delhi, 1976, Ph.D.
Historical Mahākāvyas, Sanskrit, of South India, only of 19th century. (H). * Brij Bala *** Delhi, 1981, Ph.D.
Historical mahākāvyas, Surjancarita in the context of the, : A study. (H). * Agarwal, Suman Rani *** Lucknow, 1978, Ph.D.
Historical poems : See also Caritra-kāvya.
Historical poems in Sanskrit written by women poets of Andhra. * Bala, Mudigonda *** Aligarh, 1993, Ph.D.
Historical Sanskrit kāvyas of Gujarat composed in the 13th century A.D. * Pachar, Indu *** Indore, 1977, Ph.D.
Historical Sanskrit poetry : See also under Poetry.
Historical works, Critique of the, of poets of Mithilā in Sanskrit. (H). * Jha, Peetambar *** Darbhanga (K.S.), 1973, Ph.D.
Hitopadeśa : A critical study. (H). * Bharath, Narsingh *** Banaras, 1987, Ph.D.
Hitopadeśa, A critical survey of the, of Nārāyaṇa Paṇḍita. * Kundu, Bandana *** Rabindra Bharati, (In progress ).
Holkars, Survey of literature relating to the dynasty of, from 1700 A.D. upto 1947 A.D. (H). * Joshi, Om Prakash *** Indore, 1981, Ph.D.
Homeopathic darśana, Bhāratīya-darśana kī pṛṣṭhabhŪmi men, kī prāsaṅgikatā. * Chaturvedi, Ramakant *** Jabalpur, (In progress).
Horāśāstrasya Prakāśikā-vākyasya vimarśanātmakam sampādanam paṭhanam ca. (S). * Nambiathiri, Unni Krishnan, V. *** Delhi(RSkS){Guruvayoor Campus}, 1996, V. Vāridhi.
Horāskandasya sampādanam viśiṣṭaparyālocanam ca. (S). * Lal Roshan *** Delhi(RSkS){Jammu Campus}, 1990, V. Vāridhi.
Humanism, Evolution of, (Mānava-vyaktitva) in the works of Kālidāsa. (H). * Chakravarti, Minati *** Vikram, 1966, Ph.D.
Human rights of ancient Indian society. * Singh, Geeta ***Lucknow, (In progress).
Humour: See also Comic, Hāsya.
Humour, Abhinavagupta’s concept of,: Its resonances in Sanskrit drama, Poetry, Hindu mythology, and spiritual practices. * Suntharalingam, V. *** Banaras, 1984, Ph.D.
Humour and satire in Sanskrit dramas, Bhāsa to Rājaśekhara. (H). * Ramesh Chand *** Punjab, 1985, Ph.D.
Humour and satire in Sanskrit literature. * Vijayasree *** Osmania, 1986, Ph.D.
Humour and satire in the works of Kṣemendra. * Singh, Budh *** Kurukshetra, 1984, Ph.D.
Humour in 20th Century Sanskrit drama. * Chotalia, R.A. *** Saurastra, (In progress).
Humour in Sanskrit literature. * Kanjilal, Dilipkumar *** Calcutta, 1961, Ph.D.
Humour in Sanskrit literature, Treatment of, * Vijayasree, J. *** Osmania, 1986, Ph.D.
Humourous literature in Sanskrit. (H). * Sharma, Shri Bhagawan *** Agra, 1969, Ph.D.
Humour, Wit and, in Sanskrit literature. * Panda, Sarbeshwar *** Poona, (In progress).
Husarkar, Śrīpāda Śāstri, and his works. (H). * Joshi, Kedar Narayana *** Vikram, 1980, Ph.D.