Tattvārthaśāstra, A critical study of, of Umāsvāti and ṭīkās on it. * Kumar, Rajesh ***Punjab, 1989, Ph.D.
Tattvārthasāra, Amṛtacandras
Ūri-kṛta, : Eka samīkṣātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Bharati, Asha *** Kurukshetra, 1994, Ph.D.
Ūtra, Comparative study of the major commentaries of the, : (Commentaries of Umāsvāti, PŪjyapāda, Haribhadra, Siddhasenagaṇi, Bhaṭa Akalaṅka and Vidyānandi). * Jain, Amir *** Delhi, 1975, Ph.D.
Tattvasamāsa s
Ūtra : Upalabdha ṭīkāon ke āloka men eka pariśīlana. (H). * Grover, Veena *** Kurukshetra, (In progress).
Tattvasandhāna of Śrīmahādevānanda Sarasvatī : A critical edition and Study. * Goamthi, V. *** Madras, 1991, Ph.D.
Tattvas in Sāṅkhya, Comparative study of the, with those of other systems. * Tripathi, Viswambharnath *** Gorakhpur, 1982, Ph.D.
Tattvavaiśāradī aur Yogavārttika kā tulanātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Mohini, Chander *** Agra, 1989, Ph.D.
Taxation, System of, in Ancient India. * Jayalakshmi, S. *** Bangalore, (In progress).
Teacher : See also Ācārya, Guru, Preceptor, Disciple.
Temples : See also Hindu and Jain temples.
Temple architecture and art of the Western Gaṅgas. * Prakash, N.C. *** Nagpur, (In progress).
Temple architecture, A study of the, in Vindhya Pradesh; from earliest times to 13th century. * Saini, S.P. *** Saugar, 1966, Ph.D.
Temple sculpture, A study of the, of Assam. * Dutta, Manoranjan *** Gauhati, 1988, Ph.D.
Testimony as a means of Knowledge in different schools of Indian philosophy. * Jha, Ramsevak *** Darbhanga (K.S.), 1976, Ph.D.
Testimony, Valid, as a means of Knowledge in Indian philosophy. (S). * Bandyopadhyaya, Sankarprasad *** Calcutta, 1977, Ph.D.
Theatre in ancient India, Origin and development of, * Tripathi, R.V. *** Saugar, 1981, D.Litt.
Theism, Foundations of, : An Indian approach. * Bhattacharya, Amarnath *** Burdwan, 1983, Ph.D.
Theism in Sāṅkhya systems. * Bhattacharya, Bhupendranath *** Calcutta, 1977, Ph.D.
Theravāda Buddhism, Contribution of Buddhaghoṣa to, (H). * Shukla, Ashwini Kumar *** Gorakhpur, 1982, Ph.D.
Thoreau, Henry David, in the light of Sanātanadharma.* Sundararaman, K. *** Madras, 1994, Ph.D.
Therīgāthā : A critical study. * Humane, Sindhu, V. *** Nagpur, (In progress).
Ṭīkā literature, Sanskrit Origin and development of, till the 17th century A.D. * Pendarkar, Shanta Bai *** Vikram, 1967, Ph.D.
Tilaka : See also Lokmānya Tilaka.
Tilaka-, Lokmānya, kṛta Śrīmad-Bhagavadgītā-rahasya kā vivecanātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Malhotra, Suneeta *** Lucknow, (In progress).
Tilakamañjarī : See also Dhanapāla.
Tilakamañjarī by Dhanapāla, Critical study of,* Gupta, Pushpa *** Jodhpur, 1978, Ph.D.
Tilakamañjarī, Critical study of Dhanapāla’s, * Pathak, Jagannath *** Banaras, 1968, Ph.D.
Tilakamañjarī, Dhanapāla-kṛta, men sādhya-m
Ūlaka alaṅkāra. (H). * Singh, Pushpa *** Lucknow, (In progress).
Tilakamañjarī, Dhanapāla-kṛta,: Sāhityika adhyayana. (H). * Singh, Duvati *** Allahabad, (In progress).
Tilakamañjarī ke, Dhanapālakṛta, gadya kā bhāṣātāttvīkānuśīlana. (H). * Pandey, Vishnu *** Darbhanga, 2000, Ph.D.
Tilakamañjarī, Mahākavi Dhanapāla and his, : Critical study. (H). * Dixit, Harinarain*** Agra, 1975, Ph.D.
Tilakamañjarī, Study of, (H). * Jain, Virendra Kumar *** Vikram, 1969, Ph.D.
Tilaker, Lokamānya, Śrī Aravinda O, Bhāṣyāloke Śrīmad Bhagavad-Gītā. (Ben.). * Dutta, Namita *** Calcutta(R.B), 1993, Ph.D.
Time : See also Bhartṛhari.
Time, The concept of, in Indian grammatical tradition. * Panda, Ganesh *** Poona, 1992, Ph.D.
Time, The concept of, in Vedic rituals. * Ranganekar, Maitreyee Kashinath *** Pune, 1999, Ph.D.
Tiṅartha–samīkṣā : A critical study of the meaning of verbal inflexions in Sanskrit grammar. * Jha, Kalika Dutta *** Patna, 1979, Ph.D.
Tīrthas, Critical study of the Hindu, of India according to the Mahābhārata and the Purāṇas. * Gupta, Sarju Prasad *** Agra, 1969, Ph.D.
Tīrthas, Principal, described in the Purāṇas. * Singh, Mahavir *** Delhi, 1968, Ph.D.
Tīrthas, Study of the, according to the Rāmāyaṇa, the Mahābhārata and the Agnipurāṇa. (Mar.). * Sambrey, Ashu, L. *** Nagpur, 1985, Ph.D.
Tīrthas, Study of the, of the Mahābhārata. (H). * Hari, Raja Ram *** Saugar, 1975, Ph.D.
Ū of Samarapuṅgava Dīkṣita : A critical study and edition. * Mythili, S. *** Madras, 1984, Ph.D.
Tirumalāmbā, Varadāmbikāpariṇaya of, : A critical study. * Singh, Karam *** Shimla, 1982, Ph.D.
Tirumalayajva-kṛtāyāṛ Siddhāntakaumudī-vyākhyāyāṛ Sumanoramābhidhāyāṛ āditaṛ Kārakāntobhāgasya pāṭhasamīkṣātmakam sampādanam. (S). * Devi, Bhuvaneswari *** Tirupati (R.S.V), 1992, V. Vāridhi.
Tirupati-Tirumalā Devasthānam’s contribution to Sanskrit studies. * Narayana swamy, P. *** Tirupati, (In progress).
Tiruvāymoli, Comparative study of Upaniṣads and, * Kanta, Varadarajan *** Bombay, 1976, Ph.D.
Toḍarānanda, Critical study of, * Kasyap, Lalitesh *** Darbhanga (K.S.), 1980, Ph.D.
Tragedy in Sanskrit Drama, Problem of, * Murdio, Shashikala, S. *** Bombay (S.N.D.T.), 1975, Ph.D.
Tragic issues in Sanskrit drama. * Panwar, Gayatri *** Udaipur, 1980, Ph.D.
Traiguṇya, Critical study of, in Sanskrit literature, * Chaturvedi, Iswar Prasad *** Banaras, 1969, Ph.D.
Traitavāda-mīmāṁsā, Dayānanda-kṛta Yajurveda-bhāṣya ke viśeṣa sandarbha men, (H). * Samuchiwal, Sushma *** Kurukshetra, (In progress).
Traitavāda, Origin and development of, * Kumar, Yogendra *** Jammu, 1977, Ph.D.
Trancendence, The concept of, and human knowledge. * Marthur, Rita *** Lucknow, (In progress).
Transmigration, Origin and development of the doctrine of, in Sanskrit literature of the Hindus. * Pandit, Bindu Chandrakant *** Bombay, 1957, Ph.D.
Travancore history, Sāṁskṛtika sources of, * Nair, Maheswaran *** Kerala, 1984, Ph.D.
Traymbaka Śarmā, Vivekānandacaritam of Pandit, : A critical study. (H). * Sharma, S.G. *** Kumaun, 1987, Ph.D.
Tribes in Mahābhārata, A socio-cultural study. * Mishra, Krishna Chandra *** Banaras, 1967, Ph.D.
Tribhāṣyaratna, Critical and comparative study of, and Vaidikābharaṇa. (H). * Sharma, Shashi *** Banaras, 1980, Ph.D.
Tribhāṣyaratna, Critical study of Māhiṣeyabhāṣya and, (H). * Srivastava, Ananda Kumar *** Banaras, 1978, Ph.D.
Triguṇānanda Śukla : See Subhāṣacaritam.
Triguṇas, Nature of, in the Āstikadarśanas, (and its place in human life). * Rai, Narmadeswar *** Kanpur, 1983, Ph.D.
Trika philosophy of Kashmir, Man and his destiny according to the, * Sharma, Debabrata Sen *** Banaras, 1958, Ph.D.
Trika system of Indian Philosophy, A critical and comparative study of Pratibhā in, * Angiras, Ashutosh *** Punjab, 1988, Ph.D.
Trikoṇamiti : Bāpudeva Śāstri-viracita, granthasya sampādanam anuvādaṛ samīkṣā ca. (S). * Yadav, Ramlal *** Delhi (V), 1982, V. Vāridhi.
Trinity, Emergence of the Indian, * Bhattacharya, Sukumari *** Jadavpur, 1966, Ph.D.
Tripiṭaka : See also under Pāli.
Tripiṭaka, A comparative study of Āyurveda and Tibetan systems of medicine as described in the, *** Delhi, 1976, Ph.D.
Tripurārahasya, The, of Haritanaya. * Jha, Krishna Chandra *** Delhi, 1975, Ph.D.
Tripurāri, The commentaries of, and Jagaddhara on Bhavabh
Ūti’s Mālatīmādhava : A critical and comparative study. * Pandeya, Fulkumar Bhalachandra *** Gujarat, (In progress).
Triśatikā, Ācārya Śrīdhara and his, * Asthana, Usha *** Lucknow, 1960, Ph.D.
Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacarita, Cultural study of, of Hemacandra. * Sharma, Manju *** Delhi, 1982, Ph.D.
Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacarita Rāmakāthā and Vālmīki Rāmakathā : A critical and comparative study. * Joshi, Jagruti Bhalachandra *** Gujarat, (In progress).
Trivikrama Bhaṭa, Critical study of, and his works : Nalacamp
Ū and MadālasācampŪ. (H). * Sharma, Vasudev *** Jabalpur, 1971, Ph.D.
Trivikrama Bhaṭa’s Nalacamp
Ū, Comparative study of, and Jain poet Somadeva’s Yaśastilaka-campŪ. (H). * Srivastava, Satyabhama *** Avadh, 1981, Ph.D.
Trivikrama Bhaṭa’s Nalacamp
Ū, Critical study of, * Tripathi, Kailashapathi *** Banaras, 1969, Ph.D.
Trivikrama, Crtitical study of Uṣāharaṇam of, (H). * Pandey, Bhim Narayan *** Gorakhpur, 1983, Ph.D.
Trivikrama Paṇḍita : See Uṣāharaṇa.
Truth–relation, An analysis of, * Roy, Minakshi *** Nagpur, 1980, Ph.D.
Tukārāmacaritam :See under Kṣamārāva.
Tukārāmacaritam kā, Śrī Ramadāsacaritam evam, Paṇḍita Kṣamārāva ke, samīkṣātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Sudesh, Kumari *** Kurukshetra, 1994, Ph.D.
Tukārāmacaritam, Śrī, mahākāvyasya samīkṣātmakam adhyayanam. (S). *Dash, Pramod Kumar *** Delhi(RSkS){Puri Campus}, 1998, V. Vāridhi.
Tulasīdāsa, Comparative study of the thoughts of Śaṅkaradeva and, * Roy, Bhupendra Nath *** Gauhati, (In progress).
Tulasīdāsa, Portrayal of Sītā in the ages culminating in that of, * Gupta, Sudha *** Agra, 1961, Ph.D.
Tulasīdāsa, Saṁskṛta Sāhityaśāstra and Mahākavi, (H). * Sharma, Chote Lal *** Rajasthan, 1963, Ph.D.

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