Consciousnes, The tragic, in the major Sanskrit dramas : A study. * Shastri, Umesh Ganapati *** Dharwar, 1999, Ph.D.
Constellation of Rohiṇī in Sanskrit literature. * Dandekar, H.A. *** Bombay, 1980, Ph.D.
Contradiction, Critical study of figures of speech based on, in Sanskrit poetics. * Jha, Ratneswar *** Patna, 1976, Ph.D.
Coronation ceremony in ancient India upto 1200 A.D. * Tiwari, Mamta *** Lucknow, 1991, Ph.D.
Correspondence or letters, Origin and development of, (Patrakāritā), in Sanskrit. * Tripathi, Preethilata *** Raipur, 1976, Ph.D.
Cosmic energy in the form of Mother : A philosophical study of Vaiṣṇodevi. * Gupta, Sushma *** Jammu, (In progress).
Cosmology in the Viṣṇu-purāṇa. * Sharma, Anita *** Delhi, 1985, Ph.D.
Counter-hero, Portrayal of, in Sanskrit dramas : A study. (H). * Mitra, Abhaya *** Allahabad, 1978, Ph.D.
Cow: See also Gau, Go.
Cow, Conception of, in Ṛgveda. * Pancholi, Badri Prasad *** Rajasthan, 1965, Ph.D.
Cow, Study of, in Sanskrit literature. * Sharma, Bogavarapu Venkata Visweswara Sitarama *** Andhra, 1978, Ph.D.
Creation : See also Sṛṣṭi.
Creation : See also under Vedic.
Creation according to the Brāhmaṇas. (H). * Shukla, Nityanand *** Gorakhpur, 1981, Ph.D.
Creation according to the Purāṇas. (S). * Jha, Tejnath *** Darbhanga (K.S.), 1968, Ph.D.
Creation according to the Purāṇas : Reconcilation of the different theories. (S). * Pandey, Lal Bihari Sharma *** Varanasi (Samp), 1969, Ph.D.
Creation and dissolution in different systems of Indian Philosophy, Development of the idea of, (H). * Jain, Krishna *** Saugar, 1985, Ph.D.
Creation and dissolution in orthodox systems. (H). * Jha, Bansidhar *** Raipur, 1976, Ph.D.
Creation in Advaita. (S). * Karmarkar, Basudev *** Jadavpur, 1983, Ph.D.
Creation, Critical and comparative study of the theories of, dissolution and salvation in the Sāṅkhya system of philosophy. * Basu, Swapna Dindas *** Calcutta, 1980, Ph.D.
Creation, Critique of the, according to the science of grammar. (S). * Shukla, Ramyatan *** Varanasi (Samp), 1978, Ph.D.
Creation, Detailed study of the, in the Darśanas and Purāṇas. (H). * Upadhyaya, Ved Prakash *** Allahabad, 1971, Ph.D.
Creation in Indian philosophy, Theory of, (Mar). * Bapat, S.S. *** Poona, 1978, Ph.D.
Creation of six systems, Critical and comparative study of the, (H). * Bala, Veer *** Meerut, 1979, Ph.D.
Creation, Study of, according to Sāṅkhya, Yoga and Purāṇas. (S). * Brahmachari, Shiv Chaitanya *** Banaras, 1971, Ph.D.
Creation, Study of, and dissolution as depicted in the Purāṇas, (H), * Singh, Krishna Chandra *** Gorakhpur, 1982, Ph.D.
Creation, Vedic theories of, * Das, Sadananda *** Poona, (In progress).
Creation, Vedic theories of, with special reference to the Atharvaveda. * Das, Sadananda *** Pune, (In progress).
Crime and punishment in chief Smṛtis and Dharmaśāstras. (H). * Tripathi, Pratibha *** Delhi, 1985, Ph.D.
Crime and punishment in Smṛtis. (H). * Pant, Meenakshi *** Jiwaji, 1974, Ph.D.
CŪḍamaṇidīkṣita : See also RājacŪḍāmaṇidīkṣita.
CŪḍāmaṇidīkṣitaviracita, Ācārya, Kāvyadarpaṇa kā vivecana. (H). * Joshi, Suneeta *** Kumaun, 1992, Ph.D.
Cultural role of the ancient Indian literature. (H). * Upadhyaya, Ramji, *** Saugar, 1950, Ph.D.
Cultural study, Linguistic and, of viśiṣṭa-śabdas of Vālmīki-Rāmāyaṇa. (H). * Jaiswal, Manjula *** Allahabad, 1979, D.Litt.
Cultural study of India as revealed in important alaṅkāras, the study based on the mahākāvyas and dramas. (H). * Kandpal, K.C. *** Kumaun, 1982, Ph.D.
Culture, Ancient Indian, as depicted in Vālmīki-Rāmāyaṇa. *Vyas, S.N. *** Agra, 1952, Ph.D.
Culture as depicted in the Upaniṣads of Sāmaveda. * Agarwal, Kamlesh *** Delhi, 1979, Ph.D.
Culture, Indian, as depicted in Laghutrayī. (H). * Jha, Jai Prakash *** Darbhanga (K.S.), 1981, Ph.D.
Culture, Indian, based on the works of Kālidāsa. * Madhuri, Prabha *** Agra, 1975, Ph.D.
Culture, Philosophy of, * Daya Krishna *** Lucknow, 1956, D.Litt.