Bacculālāvasthinaḥ jñānapathvāsya, kāvyakṛtitvam. (S). * Hatai, Brajendra Kumar *** Sagar, (In progress ).
Bādarāyaṇa, Inter-relation between the Bhagavad-Gītā and BrahmasŪtras of, * Joshi, Nam, L.D. *** Bombay, 1980, Ph.D.
Badarīnātha : See also under Śataślokī.
Badarīnātha Jhā, Kaviśekhara, evam unkā Guṇeśvaracarita-campŪ-kāvya. (H). * Jha, Kumarkant *** Mithila, 1986, Ph.D.
Baghelkhand, Critical estimate of Sanskrit kāvyas of, 1500-1900 A.D..* Agnihotri, Rajivlochan *** Vikram, 1964, Ph.D.
Baghelkhand, Survey of Sanskrit studies of, during the period of 16th century. (H). * Agarwal, Laxmi Devi *** Rewa, 1983, Ph.D.
Bahilasindu SŪri, Critical study of Gadyacintāmaṇi of, (H). * Patel, J.S. *** Gujarat, 1980, Ph.D.
Balabhadraprasāda, Mahākavi, Śāstrī-viracita Bhāgīrathīdarśanam. (H). * Babita *** Kurukshetra, (In progress ).
Balabhadra Prasāda Śāstrī, Comparative and critical study of Neherucaritam of Ācārya Brahmānanda Śukla and Neheru-yaśas-saurabham of Gosvāmī, (H). * Savitri Devi *** Kumaun, 1981, Ph.D.
Bālabhārata, Critical study of, of Agastya Paṇḍita. * Rao, Prasad, Kottapalli, Ghanashyamala *** Andhra, 1984, Ph.D.
Bālabharatam: Its contribution to Indian dance and drama. * Nambudiri, Eswaran *** Kerala, 1977, Ph.D.
Bālacandra SŪri’s Vasantavilāsa: A critical study. * Bhat, Ramakrishna Timmanna *** Dharwar, 1997, Ph.D.
BālacandrasŪrivīracita-Vasantavilāsa-mahākāvyasya sāhityikam sāṁskritikam ca adhyayanam. (S). * Srivastava, Shikha *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1999, V. Vāridhi.
Baladeva VidyābhŪṣaṇa: Life and works. (H). * Shukla, Ramakant *** Jabalpur, 1973, Ph.D.
Bālakrīḍā-ṭīkā : See under Yājñavalkyasmṛti.
Bālakṛiṣṇa Mitra’s, Critical study of, Lakṣmīśvarīcaritam and the commentary of Rādhānayana Dvirathī. (S). * Jha, Lakshmikant*** Darbhanga, (K.S.), 1975, Ph.D.
Bālamanoramā and Tattvabodhinī : A comparative study. * Mishra. J *** Pune, (In progress).
Bālamanoramāyāṛ samīkṣātmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Shukla, Pavan Kumar *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1996, V. Vāridhi.
Bālamukundabhaṭa-viracita–Rukmiṇīmaṅgalākhya-kāvyasya samālocanātmakam pāṭha- samīkṣātmakam ca adhyayanam. (S). *Tripathi, Satyavrat *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1981, V. Vāridhi.
Balarāma kā carita, Saṁskṛta sāhitya men, (H). * Chaube, Ram Gulam *** Sagar, 1991, Ph.D.
Bālarāmāyaṇa aur Prasannarāghava kī tulanātmaka samīkṣā. (H). * Singh, Shailaja *** Jabalpur (In progress).
Bālarāmāyaṇa, Critical and comparative evaluation of the, of Rājaśekhara. * Tripathi, Bhaskaracharya *** Allahabad, 1965, Ph.D.
Bālarāmāyaṇa : Eka kāvyaśastrīya anuśīlana. (H). * Sharma, Mathura Dass *** Punjab (Hspr.),1994, Ph.D.
Bālarāmāyaṇa-nāṭaka kā, Ācārya Rājaśekhara-praṇīta, samīkṣātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Sharma, Narottam *** Shimla, (In progress ).
Bālāriṣṭayogānām samālocanātmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Sharma, Brijesh Mohan *** Delhi (V), 1991, V. Vāridhi.
Bāla Śāstrī Gārḍe, Śrī, : A study of Jayāji and other works. (H). * Gupta, Radha *** Indore, 1983, Ph.D.
Ballālasena, Critical edition with English Introduction and Index of the Dānasāgara of, * Bhattacharya, Bhabatosh *** Calcutta, 1960, D.Litt.
Bāṇabhaṭa : See also under Kādambarī, Harṣacarita.
Bāṇabhaṭa kā Saundarya-vidhāna. (H). * Ved Prakash *** Panjab, (In progress).
Bāṇabhaṭa ke gadya men saundarya-cetanā. (H). * Topal, Rita *** Srinagar, 2000, Ph.D.
Bāṇabhaṭa ke Harṣacarita kā sāhityika adhyayana. (H). * Chaturvedi, Surya Nath *** Allahabad, (In progress).
Bāṇabhaṭa kī kṛtiyon men vyutpatti-pradarśana. (H). * Kumari, Punam *** Agra, 1988, Ph.D.
Bāṇabhaṭa, Flora in the works of, * Hitesh Kumari *** Aligarh, 1983, Ph.D.
Bāṇabhaṭa, Literary study of, * Pandey, Amarnath *** Allahabad, 1971, Ph.D.
Bāṇabhaṭa, Literary study of, * Trigunayath, Neeta *** Banaras, 1962, Ph.D.
Bāṇabhaṭa, Mahākavi, kī kāvyon men Dhvanitattva. (H). * Sharma, Shasi Rani ***Jaipur, 1988, Ph.D.
Bāṇabhaṭa, Śiva in the works of, : A thorough examination. (H). * Sharma, Devdutt *** Punjab, 1987, Ph.D.
Bāṇabhaṭa’s Kādambarī, Literary study of, * Tiwari, R.S. *** Agra, 1961, Ph.D.
Bāṇabhaṭa, Study of alaṅkāras in the works of, * Sharma, Rajkumari *** Delhi, 1974, Ph.D.
Bāṇabhaṭa’s works, Treatment of Nature in, * Kumar, Rajinder *** Punjab, 1987, Ph.D.
Bāṇabhaṭasya sāhityāntargatānām aitihāsikānām pauraṇikānām upādānānām sāmīkṣikam adhyayanam. (S). * Srivasthava, Shoba *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1990, V. Vāridhi.
Bāṇa, Comparative study of Daṇḍin and, (S). * Mishra, Adityanath, *** Darbhanga (K.S.), 1977, Ph.D.
Bāṇa, Comparative study of the concept of beauty of, and Kālidāsa. (H). * Mishra, Satya Deo *** Gorakhpur, 1987, Ph.D.
Bāṇa, Contribution of, to Sanskrit literature and culture.* Tomer, Pramodini *** Gwalior, 1970, Ph.D.
Bāṇa, Indian culture as depicted in the Kādambarī of, * Agarwal, Krishna Mohan *** Magadh, 1980, D. Litt.
Bāṇa ke sāhitya men miṭhakayojanā kā adhyayana. (H). * Kotwal, Meenakshi, ***Jammu, 1991, Ph.D.
Bāṇa’s Kādambarī, Critical study of herbs mentioned in, (H). * Tripathi, Maya *** Banaras,1986, Ph.D.
Bāṇa’s Kādambarī, Literary study of, * Kaur, Inder *** Patna, 1975, Ph.D.
Bāṇa, Literary and comparative study of Subandhu and, * Thapar, Mahendra Pratap *** Punjab, 1973, Ph.D.
Bāṇa’s synonyms, Linguistic study of, (H). * Diwan, Manjusheela *** Rajpur, 1978, Ph.D.
Bāṇa, Women in the works of, (S). * Shanti Devi *** Varanasi (Samp.), 1978, Ph.D.
BāppābhaṭisŪrikathā, A critical study of, * Bhatesvara, V.R. *** Pune, 2000, Ph.D.
Bāpudeva-Śāstri-viracita Trikoṇamiti-granthasya-sampādanam anuvādaṛ samīṣkā ca. (S). * Yadav, Ramlal *** Delhi (V), 1982, V. Vāridhi.
Bauddha : See also under Bhagavadgītā.
Bauddha : See also under Bhāvanācatuṣṭaya.
Bauddha : See also under Sādhanā.
Baudhāyana : See also Samāja-vyavasthā,
Bauddha-darśana ke Mādhyamika sampradāya ke pramukh siddhānton kā samīkṣātmaka adhyayana. (H). * Upadhyaya, Narendra Prasad *** Jabalpur, (In progress).
Bauddha darśanayoḥ Jaina-, nirvāṇasya tulanātmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Srivastav, Nutan *** Delhi(RSkS){Lucknow Campus}, 2002, V. Vāridhi.
Bauddha – kathā-sāhitya : See also under Kathā-sāhitya.
Bauddha-nītidarśana kā samīkṣātmak adhyayana. (H). * Tiwari, Parashuram *** Saugar, 1986, Ph.D.
Bauddhapramāṇavāda kā Jaina-dṛṣṭi se parīkṣaṇa. (H). * Jain, Dharma Chander *** Jaipur, 1989, Ph.D.
Bauddha saṁskṛti kā Bhārata men udbhava aur vikāsa. (H). * Rastogi, Reena ***Lucknow, 1990, Ph.D.
Bauddha-vaicārika paramparā men Nirvāṇa. (H). * Hardikar, Vasundhara *** Saugar, 1986, Ph.D.
Baudhāyana-DharmasŪtras, Comparative study of the Āpastamba and, * Rastogi, Nayan Tara *** Delhi, 1976, Ph.D.
Baudhāyana-, Gautama-, Dharma sŪtrayoṛ tulanātmakam adhyayanam. (S). * Panda, Nalini *** Delhi(RSkS){Puri Campus}, 1999, V. Vāridhi.
Baudhāyana-gṛhya-sŪtra kā samracanātmaka adhyayna. (H). * Chugh, Veena *** Rohtak, 1989, Ph.D.
Baudhāyana-kalpasārakārikāyāḥ MayŪravāhana-viracita-, samīkṣātmakam sampādanam. (S). * Pandeya, Ram Kailash *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1992, V. Vāridhi.
Baudhāyana-ŚrautasŪtrasya, DarśapŪrṇamāsa-bhāgātmakasya Sāyaṇabhāṣyasya sampādanam. (S). * Pandey, Rup Narayan *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1980, V. Vāridhi.
Being and Knowledge, The doctrine of, in the Advaita-Vedānta : Śaṅkara, Prasthānatraya and Prakaraṇa-granthas. * Sakuntala, Pattisapu *** Andhra, (In progress).
Bengal, Contribution of, to Sanskrit grammar. * Chatterji, Enakshi *** Delhi, 1979, Ph.D.
Bengal, Contribution of, to the Sanskrit dramatic literature, in the 20th century A.D. * Mitra, Nanda Dulal *** Rabindra Bharati, 1983, Ph.D.
Bengal, Critical study of historical dramas in Sanskrit composed by the pandits of, in the 19th and 20th centuries. * Rai, Biswapati *** Calcutta, 1973, Ph.D.
Bengali epic poetry, Influence of Sanskrit epic on the 19th century. * Bhattacharya, Tapodhir *** Jadavpur, 1982, Ph.D.
Bengali society, Present, Its belief in Vedic tradition. (Beng). * Chakraborthi, Sovarani *** Rabindra Bharati, 1975, Ph.D.
Bengal, Sanskrit studies in, during the rule of the Sena kings. * Chatterji, Asit Kumar *** Agra, 1988, Ph.D.
Bengal, Some aspects of social and religious life as depicted in the inscriptions of, * Tripathi, Ratikanta *** Calcutta, 1978, Ph.D.
Bengal, Some social aspects of the inscriptions of, 3rd B.C. to 12th century A.D. * Sanyal, Kabari *** Burdwan, 1987, Ph.D.
Bhagavadācārya, Svamī, A study of Bhāratapārijātam of, (H),.* Pant, Meenu *** Kumaun, 1980, Ph.D.
Bhagavadācārya, Svamī, Study of Rāmānanda-digvijaya of, (H). * Lamba, Jagdishchandra *** Delhi, 1973, Ph.D.
Bhagavadajjukīyasya, Prahasanaparamparāyām Bodhāyana- kṛta, sāmīkṣikam adhyayanam. (S). * Bhatt, Umesh Datt *** Delhi(RSkS){Allahabad Campus}, 1990, V. Vāridhi.
Bhagavadajjukīya, The comic element in Sanskrit drama with special reference to, and Mattavilāsa prahasana, * Geetha, N.K. *** Calicut, 2000, Ph.D.
Bhagavad-bhaktimāhātmyasya samīkṣātmakam sampādanam adhyayanam ca. (S). * Sharma, Babu Ram *** Delhi(RSkS){Jammu Campus}, 1984, V. Vāridhi.